What to do when you don’t know what to do…

What to do when you don’t know what to do…

What do you do when you don’t know what to do?

This question has wrapped itself around my mind and heart lately. With a world of options always before us including so many roads to travel down and doors to open, how do you know which one to choose?

Most people would tell you to pray and trust that God will take care of everything. Although you should definitely talk to God I think there’s something much deeper than just “praying” in all of this.

Every single day you’re faced with a number of choices. Some are bigger choices that involve a great deal of thought and energy while most of the smaller choices we make go completely unnoticed as if there was no thought involved at all.  With the smaller choices we tend to decide on our own what we’re going to do. We don’t usually ask for God’s opinion or direction even though we should.

When faced with the bigger, more difficult decisions in life we usually find ourselves seeking after the heart of God, hoping He’ll show us exactly what to do. But, do you ever feel that even after praying and seeking God’s will you still don’t know what you’re supposed to do?

So what do you do when you don’t know what to do?

You surrender.

You surrender all.

You give it to God.

You need to come to a place where you’re done trying to figure it all out.  You need to come to a place where you’re done trying to figure God out.

He is beyond our comprehension and yet He’s trustworthy and completely faithful.  He can be trusted with what we know and what we don’t know and understand.

When I have surrendered to God, realizing that I can’t do this on my own, I can’t figure this all out…I feel free.  And I have peace that He will take care of all that concerns me.

God help me to surrender my “I don’t knows” to You because You know! I’m done trying to figure it out on my own. I need you to direct my path. Open the doors that I should enter and close the ones that aren’t meant to be opened. I surrender to You and trust that You will work ALL things together for good.  Amen.

9 responses »

  1. I am your biggest fan dearest daughter of mine. I love you so much. Much. Much.
    I hope that you are reminded of all that you have written here – when you need it most. To surrender. Let go and let GOD!
    His love for you has no limit!
    His plans for you are woven together to fit you perfectly!

  2. Thank you, Erin. This is a powerful post. And your mom is right. You’re a wonderful writer. But better than that, it’s clear that you have a heart for the Lord Jesus…and THAT makes all the difference. We love you today.

  3. again, an amazing reflection………………..although not so easy to do. I’ll lpray for you to be able to surrender your ‘i don’ knows’ to God just as I’ll pray for my 14 and 11 year old to do the same :).
    Keep writing, you’re inspiring 🙂

  4. This is a really amazing message. I’m so proud of you for figuring this out at such a young age. I’ve always been a perfectionist and felt like I had to have all the answers and everything had to fall into place the first time through.

    It’s really hard to break free of that so it warms my heart when I see a young person who gets that it’s OK to put things in God’s hands and let Him guide you. He sees the good in you and I know He will guide you down the right path.

  5. Erin, You are and amazing young women!!! I can just feel the love you have for our Lord in your writings. I pray that all the young women out there see your blog and read your amazing message to them.

    God has blessed you with a beautiful gift of writing and sharing his message to us all. I know our Loud will bless you with the right choices of life.

    Kim R.

  6. Thank you Erin!! I am going to print this off and give it to my 17 year old daughter that is struggling right now. Your writing is amazing! I look forward to your future blogs and will continue to share them. Thank you for sharing them with us!! God Bless! ♥♥

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